Fast and safe since 1973

For business and private persons, we pick up and deliver everything that needs to get from one place to another quickly.

044 383 66 66...fastest by phone!

Order a courier online

Complete service, best prices

  • Express deliveries Zurich, suburbs, entire Switzerland

  • Overnight deliveries worldwide

  • Deadline deliveries

  • Submissions service

  • Visas, notarizations und commercial registry formalities

  • Standing orders

  • Pick-up and delivery tours

  • Disposal and recycling

  • Courier leasing

  • Private services

  • Distribution services

  • Marketing and event support

  • Logistics concepts and consulting

All prices are including inkl. 8,1% VAT and insurance up to CHF 20,000


Monday - Friday 07:45 - 18:00

Samstag 09:00 - 17:00

outside of these times upon agreement
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Kurier AG
Klausstrasse 49
8032 Zürich

044 383 66 66

Impressum - Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen - Datenschutzerklärung - Nutzerbedingingen 

So. geschlossen, Mo.–Fr. 07:45–18:00 Uhr, Sa. 09:00–17:00 Uhr Ausserhalb dieser Zeiten nach Absprache