Fast and safe since 1973

For business and private persons, we pick up and deliver everything that needs to get from one place to another quickly.

No client log-in, simply call, send an email or use the online order form.

044 383 66 66...fastest by phone!

Order a courier online

Complete service, best prices

  • Express deliveries Zurich, suburbs, entire Switzerland

  • Overnight deliveries worldwide

  • Deadline deliveries

  • Submissions service

  • Visas, notarizations und commercial registry formalities

  • Standing orders

  • Pick-up and delivery tours

  • Disposal and recycling

  • Courier leasing

  • Private services

  • Distribution services

  • Marketing and event support

  • Logistics concepts and consulting

All prices are including inkl. 8,1% VAT and insurance up to CHF 20,000


Monday - Friday 07:45 - 18:00

Samstag 09:00 - 17:00

outside of these times upon agreement
Name E-Mail Comments SEND

Kurier AG
Klausstrasse 49
8032 Zürich

044 383 66 66

Impressum - Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen - Datenschutzerklärung - Nutzerbedingingen 

So. geschlossen, Mo.–Fr. 07:45–18:00 Uhr, Sa. 09:00–17:00 Uhr Ausserhalb dieser Zeiten nach Absprache